Get to know me

Behind every small business, there is a story being written by the people living it.
I am such a truthful person, so when it comes to telling my story on how I have landed here today -this was something I could not leave out…
I have always been one of those women that stand in an isle and smell candles over and over again, to get that perfect scent for my home! I find it so important that your home should have ‘you’ all over it! Scents mean everything to me, have you ever tried on a perfume and it takes you right back to an old memory? This is what I want to create with a homely fragrance for every family.
Speaking of family, after a round of IVF we were blessed to bring in a baby boy to this world in 2018.
I was awakened to a whole new world, so in-love and content! However, I realised around 6 months later I had been suffering from post-natal anxiety. I could not bear to be apart from my little boy for the fear of that something horrendous could happen to him, for me to lose him.
I decided to leave my full-time job and become a full-time mum. Which, to be fair has been the most amazing and rewarding thing for me! However, I also realised I needed ‘my time’, and with the whole 2020 meltdown, it meant I could no longer stand in an isle anymore smelling candles and diffusers till my heart’s content. So, I took matter into my own hands and made that online order, something I had always been intrigued in. I made my first batch of melts and it had taken me by surprise, I could not believe I had not been doing this for years! They were so much stronger than the retail brands!
Now candles are a little trickier, did you know for every new fragrance or vessel size, the process of testing a new blend of ingredients begins all over again! This is what makes creating a delightful candle so challenging, yet so rewarding. Once I shared with family and friends, well…. that was it they was hooked!
Giving me enough confidence to make me believe I can do this! Helping me believe that I can show my son proudly how important it is to follow your dreams and goals.
Ten Months of hard work and thorough testing, having this business and having so many loyal happy customers means I get to stay home, watch my boy grow into this amazing little human being. Yep I work into the late nights, but I would not have it any other way.
I have you all to thank for that,
thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Lisa X